If you are a woman, just remember occasions when you became uncomfortable with your urination posture. You may find a lot. Just imagine that you are in a public toilet and you are carrying a heavy bag on your shoulders as well. There is no any possible place to keep the bag while the toilet is dirty. What do you do if you have to urinate urgently? Beside everything are you going to squat? It may not possible. If you are in a skirt or a dress you may feel little comfortable. In such situations, best thing to do is try and release urine while you are in a standing posture. You can do it quickly as well. You can lift your skirt or dress up and hold easily. Then you have to pull your panty aside to open the vulva properly. While pulling the panty aside you can spread your labia either sides by your fingers and the urine orifice will open. Finally you will be able to release the urine stream without dribbling. You can finish it without wiping or cleaning as well.